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Opening hours today for London City Airport Departure Lounge

05:00 - 22:00

  • open now, until 22:00

  • Monday: 05:00-22:00

  • Tuesday (TODAY): 05:00-22:00

  • Wednesday: 05:30-21:45

  • Thursday: 05:30-21:45

  • Friday: 04:30-22:00

London City Airport Departure Lounge

open now, until 22:00

Airport lounge


London City Airport Ltd London City Airport Ltd, Royal Docks, E16 London

020 7646 0000

Get directions: London City Airport Departure Lounge


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London City Airport, London City Airport (LCY), London Borough Of Newham HQ - Newham D..., Port of London, North Woolwich, Royal Docks, Royal Albert DLR Station, Silvertown, King George V DLR Station, Woolwich foot tunnel